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HomeStratford NewsA reminder to drive safely during Canada Road Safety Week

A reminder to drive safely during Canada Road Safety Week

Canada Road Safety Week got underway on Tuesday across the country, and OPP are reminding road users to be cognizant of road safety.

Statistics indicate that 2023 was a “historically tragic year”, according to OPP, with 411 people killed in collisions. It was the first time fatalities exceeded the 400 mark since 2007.

Road Safety Week will concentrate on key areas that include drug-impaired driving, alcohol-impaired driving, fatigue-impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving and driving without a seatbelt.

OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique said in a media release that speeding, driver inattention, impaired driving and failure to wear a seatbelt account for a significant number of road fatalities.

“Because these road deaths are linked to poor behaviours and actions, they are irrefutably preventable. Please drive safely and ensure you and your passengers buckle up. By doing so, you are respecting the right of every road user to be safe and, more importantly, helping to save lives.”

During Canada Road Safety Week May 14-20, OPP will join police services across Canada to collectively target behaviours that place drivers, passengers and other road users at risk.

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