United Way’s new vision for affordable housing in 2024

Ryan Erb, Executive Director of United Way Perth-Huron (courtesy photo by UWPH)

United Way Perth-Huron (UWPH) has a new 2024 Campaign and Initiative that may change things for the better.

Executive Director Ryan Erb says this initiative aims to address the immediate need for affordable housing through the development of mixed-income non-profit rental housing projects.

UWPH is Perth-Huron’s first non-profit housing organization focused on mixed rental units.

Erb tells My Stratford Now that nearly 100 per cent of their funding for community programs comes from community donations.

“In this last year, we raised $2.36 million and I would say our grant revenue was around $100,000,” says Erb.

He says the long-term vision for the initiative, stating that by 2030, United Housing aspires to be an established and sustainable non-profit housing developer in Perth-Huron.

Erb emphasizes sustainability and future developments without specifying a set number of units by 2030.

He highlights ongoing projects including a larger development in partnership with North Perth involving 41 housing units and negotiations for a parcel of land in Stratford that could support 60 stacked townhouses.

By 2050, the goal is for every resident of Perth-Huron to have access to suitable and affordable housing.

The initiative underscores the community’s commitment to tackling housing challenges and creating a more inclusive future.

For more information, visit perthhuron.unitedway.ca.

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