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HomeStratford NewsWatch the Blue Jays at the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and...

Watch the Blue Jays at the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

If you are looking to get together and watch the Toronto Blue Jays, you can stop into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

Scott Crawford, Director of Operations at the ball hall in St. Marys, said they are welcoming Jays fans to watch the game on couches in the visitors lounge, on a big 10 foot screen, on the last Friday of each month.

It’s “just another way to try to get people more engaged with the hall of fame and watch our beloved Blue Jays,” Crawford told MyStratfordNow.

It’s the first year the hall of fame has hosted the Blue Jays watch parties.

Crawford said the recent induction ceremony was another big success, with former Blue Jays Jimmy Key and Russell Martin among a group entering the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame.

Ashley Stephenson, Rod Heisler, Howard Birnie and Paul Godfrey were also honoured at the ceremony.

A big crowd enjoyed the ceremony with perfect weather helping out, Crawford said.

The hall of fame starts summer hours next week, going to seven days a week, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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